About Us
Haloh Farm was established as a small family hobby farm in 2014. We fell in love with regenerative gardening and raising chickens and goats. We made mistakes and learned a lot as we grew.
As our garden and orchard produced more than we could use, we learned to can and put our own feisty twist on jam recipes that we started to share with friends who loved it so much they encouraged us to market it. In the first four months, we made and sold over 500 jars of jam, receiving all good reviews. We put a hold on the jam business due to a 1.5 year total house remodel followed quickly by the pandemic.
During the pandemic, we started baking bread just like a large majority of folks because it was something I had always wanted to do but never had time to try. And just like everyone else, we watched a lot of The Great British Baking Show, so when we created our sourdough starter, our daughter named it Paul Hollywood. While we had good success with yeast bread, good sourdough loaves eluded me so I pushed Mr Hollywood to the back of the fridge to be fed occasionally until such time as I decided I was ready to try again.
In January 2022, I decided it was time. I took some video classes, did research, bought books, and joined facebook groups to learn all I could. As most bakers do, I started sharing with friends and once again, was told that I needed to start marketing my bread. All of our products have evolved in much the same way. We develop or grow it for ourselves, start to share with friends, and then get encouraged to sell it...so here we are.
Lastly, any time you have animals (especially goats) and love them as we do, you have lots of adventures, lots of love, and lots of heartache each time you have a loss. We still wouldn't trade them for anything. Our critters give us eggs, milk, natural soil-building items for the compost, fire safety through weed abatement, laughter, and love. It's a very symbiotic relationship. We care for one another, and together, we care for the earth which provides us with amazing nurturing produce. That's pretty much what we are about...sharing laughter and love through nurturing products.

Need to contact us about something? Reach out, we’d be happy to hear from you.